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MaineToday: Inspired By Bjork, Portland Photographer Focuses On Iceland

A Glimpse Inside A Container Ship
by Bob Keyes

December 30, 2015

In studying the intersection of art and commerce, a Portland photographer spent time on an Eimskip vessel.
"Like a lot of people who live and work in Portland, Justin Levesque watches the container ships that come in and out of Portland Harbor.
Many of us take the ships for granted, barely thinking twice about them unless they tie up bridge traffic. Levesque’s curiosity isn’t fleeting. He wonders what life is like for the crews who work on the ships – where they’re from, what they do when they’re in Portland and what’s inside all those containers anyway?
He got a few of those answers after receiving permission from Eimskip, the Icelandic shipping company with headquarters in Portland, to spend time on a container ship and get to know the people who work on the waterfront. He traveled with an Eimskip crew from Portland to Iceland in the fall and documented his experience in photos and with a podcast that originated aboard the ship."